Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Is That FAIR?

We live in a bizarre world. We claim equality of rights; we discourage (theoretically) gender bias. But behold, the scenario is quite astonishing- females get a lot of ‘advantage’. Seats are reserved for them in busses, trains, schools, colleges and even in some fields of work; a working woman gets a longer period of paid leaves after child-birth than her husband… and the list goes on.

These, no doubt are biasing, but are they completely unfair? I do not think so. Women here are expected to supporting the family by sharing the household chores. The men of the house are too busy with their job at their workplace, and most of them avoid accompanying the women in their everyday work indoors. So women who work outside have to put up with double burden. This can be treated as a justification why seats are reserved for them in transport vehicles.

A baby, during his/her first few months, needs the mother constantly. The father also has major roles to play for the proper growth and development of the baby; but he can play his role even after attending his job outside. But a mother cannot leave the baby to someone else for hours to go out for her job. Even if she manages to attend her job, it is highly probable that she would be mentally detached from her work.

Next let us consider education of girls. We have primary education compulsory and free for girls at some places, whereas cheaper in some other places, but still many families in rural areas and even some of urban areas are reluctant towards educating their girl child properly. Even though child marriage is banned legally, still such cases are not uncommon. It seems as if girls are born just to be married off to someone as soon as possible.

Female feticide is one of the cruelest crimes. There are still cases where a girl is killed before being born. In other cases, the mother of a girl child is ill treated by her husband and/or her in-laws. But does a man have the right to blame a woman for giving birth to a girl child (though it is nothing to be blamed)? Well the biology goes like this: we human beings have 23 pair of chromosomes in our cells, out of which, 22 pairs are alike for both males and females, but the sex chromosomes are different. The female sex chromosomes are designated XX, and those of male XY. The gender of the foetus is decided by the sex chromosomes of the mating gametes. So for a male fetus, the male gamete must carry the Y chromosome. Clearly, the answer to the question posed earlier in this paragraph is NO.

Step out of these cramped practice,

Gift the girl her life.

Let her laugh, make her smile,

Let her have her Right.


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